Mochi washing Nim's face - Newsletter

Dear Reader who may be concerned about Nim's food,

Let me not bury the lead: Royal Canin is making 12+ senior cat food again. If thieves break into my home, they'd be wise to clean out the cat food pantry, because that is certainly where all the expensive goods are located. Anyway, I know I made some of you nervous a couple of weeks ago with my complaints about not being able to find the only thing he'll eat without vomiting. The old man is fed! Stay tuned for a truly mushy video of Mochi washing his face at the end of this email.

But first, let's talk about Chinese. Specifically, The Knight and the Necromancer in simplified Chinese from DxD Press. I know most of you (all of you?) will not be able to read these books, but the cover art has absolutely delighted me. DxD shared the first one some months back. If you missed it, that's the image at the top of the email. Recently, they sent me the second one. (FYI, they totally do not have to do this. They're just being nice.) Here it is below.

Isn't it stunning?? The details are just wonderful: Hastafel's tower, Mal (the cat face) in the center of the upper border, the green of Sairis's magic, the blue of Hastafel's, the collar on Sairis. The artist (Biubiu) paid so much attention. I really hope these do well enough to get paper versions. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing them with lettering. Last I heard, they were slatted to begin releasing in June.

What else is going on?

  • Chirp is doing a promo of the Incubus audiobooks until the end of the month. Here's what that first book is about:

    When Jessica volunteered as tribute to a sorcerer's court, she knew that sex would be part of her job. However, she did not expect Lord Azrael to "feed" her to his pet incubus on her first day at work. She's shocked that the incubus - a shapeshifting panther - can take the form of a man. She's shocked that they have an audience. She's even more shocked that she likes it. When the show is over, Jessica is sent off to new adventures, but she can't stop thinking about him.

    Mal, the incubus, can't stop thinking about Jessica, either. Their liaison has revealed secrets about her - secrets that even Jessica doesn't know. Mal will stop at nothing to escape from Azrael and kill him. He thinks he may be able to use Jessica to do it. However, he is rapidly developing feelings for her that he doesn't understand. Even his relationship with Azrael is changing. Can an incubus fall in love? And what will happen when he is forced to choose between love and revenge?

  • The Hunters universe audio marathon just finished "Lullaby." We're going to take a week off and then start into "Distraction." It's all at the $3 level if you want to jump on board. However, I've removed Hunters Unlucky (the first book) from the feed at this point, so you'd need to pick that up first.

  • Thank you to everyone who ordered the new Knight and the Necromancer Complete series hardback from my signed bookstore! All the hardbacks arrived yesterday. Today I signed them and shipped them to their new owners. You should have gotten a shipping confirmation email if you ordered one.

Finally, the moment you've been waiting for, the only reason you read to the bottom of this email: Mochi washing Nim's face. All the sweetness in the world, right here.

Yours, An Author with well-groomed cats,