K&N New Art and Paperbacks

Dear Reader of Pretty Books,

Some 8 and a half months ago, in July of 2021, I began talking to Asmo of the comic Exorcist Academy, about a cover for The Knight and the Necromancer Complete Series edition. I wanted something I could put on a paper book, and I only had a box-set image. I also wanted to try a different style of art on the books. I felt like Asmo's style (and audience) would be a good match for this series. Finally, I wanted to try a hardback version.

There were a lot of delays on this cover for various reasons. It's taken almost as long as making a baby, but it's finally done. It's a very pretty book, folks! Jeff McDowall, my designer, worked hard on the logo/lettering, too. This was my first foray into casebound hardbacks with KDP Print, and I must say the quality is excellent. It does take them a while to make and ship hardbacks and even longer to ship proofs and author copies. That was part of the reason for the extraordinarily long production time. But the books look beautiful. I will probably do some more hardbacks like this for other titles.

The new versions of K&N Complete series are on Amazon here. You can toggle between ebook, paperback, and hardback.

As before, the only place you can get the complete series in audio is my store.

I've listed both books in my signed bookstore as well. Be aware that stock from Amazon is shipping slowly. The hardback won't arrive in my hands until the beginning of May. I might also run out of the softcover and have to reorder. First come, first served. If there's going to be a delay, I'll reply to your order and let you know.

Signed Paperback
Signed Hardback

And while you're in my store, check out Distraction, which is also newly arrived, and is so very pretty.

An author with new paperbacks

p.s. Next week, more cat pictures. I promise. If you miss them, follow me on Instagram.