Tetris Cat - Newsletter

Hello, Dear Reader.

I come to you from foggy Washington in winter. I've almost finished shipping all the new Pirates of Wefrivain complete series that people ordered around Christmas when the final book came out. Above you see Mochi, shipping assistant and packing expert. He's got Tetris-like skills, as long as the thing he's packing is himself.

Things You Can Enjoy Right Now

I've decided to do a Hunters Unlucky audio marathon in my Patreon feed leading up to the launch of the new material. I'll run the main novel, then "Awake" and "Water in the Desert," before proceeding into "Lullaby" (I've already got that audio). And then, assuming Rish records it, I'll run the new books. Even if those books don't get audio versions, people will enjoy reading them more if they've read/listened to the previous stories recently. More details over there.

If you want to see fan art of that series, you should really check out Iben Krutt, Ellie Jay Bird, and Karvolf. Ellie also draws these creatures called oppies that are basically quolls. So if you're a biology nerd (like me) and you liked the curbs because they were thylacines, well...


I'm at 93,000 words on Arcove's Bright Side. Yes, that's over-length, and I'm not really doing anything to reign it in. I'm just going to let this book be the length it wants to be.

In preparation for releasing the new stuff, I'm also cleaning up my notes from the rewrite 10 years ago. That's 25,000 words worth of comments discussing previous versions of the story, why I changed what I changed, and what I think this book says about teenaged Abbie (haha). Those notes have been sitting on my computer for about a decade in a disorganized muddle. Recently, I cleaned them up and sent them out to beta readers to eliminate typos. I'll bundle them with the new books, probably ebooks and audio.

What Else

  • I should have The Knight and the Necromancer complete series paper book by February, complete with new cover art

  • I should also have the new Prophet collection with "Adagio" by February, also with adorable new cover art

  • Pirates audio is on my to-do list, folks, but it will be a while.

I leave you with an image from my recent adventures in home ownership. I was trying to fix this leaking toilet. I received extraordinarily helpful volunteer plumbing assistance.

An author writing, writing, writing